Burma Army launches storm-offensive to KIA

Burma Army launches storm-offensive to KIA
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The Burma Army has launched a storm-offensive with over 1,000 troops against the Kachin Independence Army (KIA)’s Brigade 4, based in Northern Shan State, in the country’s northeast, said witnesses.

The heavy fighting, with exchange of artillery, began about 4 a.m. It is happening around Loikang, under the command of Brigade 4, near Kutkai, said a KIA officer in the brigade.kia-ba-4

According to brigade officers, the battle is happening now at Huphet, Manje, Mung Hkawm, Bang Hpik and Dima.

KIA troops of Battalion 2, Battalion 8 and Battalion 9 are resisting the government’s offensive by two Light Infantry Divisions—LID No. 88 and No. 99, which include over 15 battalions.

The government offensive was commanded by Lt-Gen Aung Than Htut, Commander of Burma Army’s Bureau of Special Operations-2 (BSO-2), said KIA officers.

The government troops are firing mortars into the villages in the fighting area. Two mortar rounds landed in Dima this morning but casualties are not reported yet, said villagers.

A KIA officer said, “It is the largest troop movement against the KIA since the civil war started on June 9.”

He added, the storm-offensive aims to remove the KIA from the area around the oil and gas pipelines which will cross the controlled area of Brigade 4 in Northern Shan State, said KIA officers.


All civilians in the war zone are being told to leave their villages by the KIA, sources in the area said.

Suddenly, large numbers of refugees (Internally Displaced Persons) are fleeing from the war zone to safe areas and the China border, said witnesses.

China is strictly refusing entry to Burma’s ethnic refugees (IDPs) who are seeking to cross its border, said witnesses.

Over 100 Chinese People’s Liberation Army soldiers and over 80 Border Guard Force troops have jointly blocked Burmese IDPs from crossing into Chinese territory at the Chinese Manghai border gate, opposite Mongkoe, said Mongkoe residents.

Chinese citizens in Mongkoe and other places in Shan State are allowed to return to their homeland, said witnesses.

Currently, over 20,000 Kachin IDPs are seeking shelter at the KIA headquarters at Laiza and other areas close to China.

China is also blocking the delivery of food, emergency shelter and medicines from China for the Kachin IDPs, said refugee aid groups.