KIA-Burma Army continue fighting in N.Shan State

KIA-Burma Army continue fighting in N.Shan State
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Fighting between the Burma Army and the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) continued for hours today at Hophet, in Kutkai Township in Northern Shan State, said local residents.

The clash started at about 11 a.m. local time between two government troop columns and the soldiers of KIA Battalion 9, under the Loikang-based Brigade 4.

A local witness told the Kachin News Group, “The fighting has been happening for over one hour at Hophet. It’s going on until noon.”

No casualty reports have been released.

Two days earlier, KIA Battalion 9 raided the government labor camp at Shwe Pyi Thit, situated between Nam Um and Dima, eight miles southeast of the Mandalay-Muse border trade route, releasing at least 52 prisoners held for political, drug and insurgency issues.

More fighting is expected to occur at Kutkai Township, Muse Township and Mongkoe (Munggu) Township, said KIA officers of Brigade 4, near Kutkai.