Members of major Mon political party report increased monitoring

Members of major Mon political party report increased monitoring
by -
Tala Lawi, Mon Son and Blai Mon
The Burmese military intelligence appears to have stepped up surveillance and monitoring of actions by the New Mon State Party (NMSP), according to party members and officials who say they are being increasingly watched and questioned...

The Burmese military intelligence appears to have stepped up surveillance and monitoring of actions by the New Mon State Party (NMSP), according to party members and officials who say they are being increasingly watched and questioned.

“I feel that now Burmese authorities are suspicious of us more than in past times now that NMSP announced it will not participate in the 2010 election,” a party member in Moulmein, Mon State’s capital city, told IMNA.

The NMSP announced it would not participate in the elections following a Party Congress in January, citing objections to Burma’s new constitution. The constitution was approved in May 2008, and both the document and the referendum process used to approve it have been widely condemned as undemocratic.

“Whenever exile media covers a story about Moulmein, [the Burmese authorities] think that the NMSP gave information to the media… The Sa Ya Pha [Military Affairs Security] phones to ask, ‘Did I talk with media? Did I have contact with media?’” added the Moulmein party member.

Burmese authorities have undoubtedly always monitored the party, but the source in Moulmein as well as party members and officials elsewhere told IMNA they feel these efforts have increased in comparison to the past.

“Now, whenever I go outside, to buy something in the market for instance, I can see them following me,” continued the Moulmein party source.

“They plan to counter any Mon anti-government activity before and during the upcoming election,” Nyan Tun, a major in the NMSP’s armed wing the Mon National Liberation Army (MNLA) told IMNA from the Thai-Burma border. “They are worried that a lot of the armed ethnic groups will try to block the process.”  

Though the NMSP has said it will not join in the election, chief of Military Affairs Security Lt. Gen. Ye Myint has pushed the party to participate. In the first week of March, a group of three party leaders including Chairman Nai Htaw Mon met with Lt. Gen. Ye Myint at the Southeast Command headquarters in Moulmein to discuss the election. According to a source with knowledge of the meeting, the general again asked the party to join the election, and requested a chance to meet with the entire NMSP central and central executive committees, the decision making bodies of the party.

Soon after, in a regularly scheduled meeting of NMSP central and central executive committee members, IMNA sources with intimate knowledge of the meeting reported that the party decided to again meet with Lt. Gen. Ye Myint, though no actual meeting date has been set. Though this information was confirmed by other sources close to the party, it was strongly repudiated by party spokesman Nai Ong Mange in an article published by the Mizzima a few days later.

Other ethnic armed groups have also come under increased pressure to join the election and disarm their armed wings or bring them under junta control as “border guards.” The highest degree of tension has been reported in areas controlled by the United Wa State Army (UWSA), where a delegation lead by Lt. Gen. Ye Myint was forced to disarm in January.

No conflict has been reported between NMSP officials or MNLA soldiers and Burmese authorities, and Nai Ong Mange described the March meeting at the Southeast Command as conciliatory. “They said we should not be worried concerning disarmament,” quoted Mizzima. “It seems they were trying to console us.” Nai Ong Mange appeared to be referring to questions about the status of the MNLA, which the party has been repeatedly careful to say will not become an SPDC-affiliated border guard force.

Whether there has actually been an increase in surveillance is impossible to confirm, as is the motivation for any increased monitoring. What is clear, however, is that some party members feel there has been a change.

“I’ve noticed spies following me on motorbikes wherever I go. And sometimes, I’ve seen new faces amongst them,” a party member in Three Pagodas Pass, on the Thai-Burma border, told IMNA. The source went on to say that he felt the monitoring had increased following the party’s announcement that it would not join the election, and surmised that SPDC is gathering information in preparation for potential renewed conflict with the NMSP or new splinter groups.

“In Ye Town, whenever I went outside I saw Sa Ya Pha around me,” said another party member in Three Pagodas Pass who moved from Ye a few weeks ago. “When I was drinking tea with my friends in the tea shop, Sa Ya Pha also were sitting around us. I think they were listening to what we were saying.”

Another NMSP member in Thanbyuzayart agreed and said he is facing the same problem, with Burmese authorities even querying him about what occurs in the area NMSP liaison office. “Since the 2008 referendum, the authorities in Thanbyuzayart had had more contact with our office,” said the party member, who described seeing increased monitoring at the area’s Mon National Day celebration, held in the second week of February.

“Whatever we are doing or talking about with other armed groups, they want us to inform to them,” continued the source in Thanbyuzayart. As an example, the source described receiving calls from Burmese authorities interested in discussions between the NMSP and the ethnic Karen armed cease-fire group the Democratic Karen Buddhist Army (DKBA). The Mon and Karen groups had been discussing a DKBA request to open gambling operations during the Mon National Day celebration, a request that the NMSP subsequently refused.

Notes met with large ethnic armed groups including the United Wa State Army (UWSA) and the Kachin Independence Organization. Thus far, Burma’s largest ethnic armed groups have appeared to withstand mounting pressure encouraging them to participate in the 2010 elections. In January, the UWSA went so far as to force a delegation lead by Lt. Gen. Ye Myint to disarm before allowing them to enter the group’s territory.

Last February, NMSP and family of Mon leader put picture in the corpse former two Mon Leaders, NMSP have to inform Burmese authority in Moulemin. Nai Shwe Kyin, founded NMSP, Nai Thin, former NMSP chairman. At Win Sein Mon pagoda in Mudon Township.

Above NMSP member have lived in Moulemin about two years and this year more Burmese spies follow him than the previous year.

The Burmese regime has increased the number of spies deployed in Three Pagodas Pass, according to sources in the New Mon State Party (NMSP).

NMSP agreed to a ceasefire with Burma’s military government in 1995. Though no formal agreement was signed, the terms of the ceasefire established a small amount of territory for the party along the Thai Burma border and near Moulmein, as well as the right to open party liaison offices in places like Three Pagodas Pass and Moulmein.

NMSP members have been under observation since the party announced that it would not support the 2010 election.

Another regular member Thu Rain said, “I’ve noticed spies following me on motorbikes wherever I go and sometimes I’ve seen new faces amongst them.” Three Pagodas Pass. Thinks government sent them from somewhere else.

Both Thu Rain and Nyan Tun believe that the present spy activity may involve collecting data in preparation for future conflict with the NMSP. However, there is currently no detailed information on this.

One of the NMSP member who has move to TPP recently said “before when I was in Ye town whatever I went to outside I saw Burmese Intelligencen (BI) (say a pa)  around me. When I was drinking Tea with my friend in Tea shop the (BI) also was sitting around us. I think they were listening what we were talking.”  

Thu Rain also believes that the spies are not watching the Karen ceasefire groups as they are seen as supporting the regime.

Meanwhile, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association (USDA) in Three Pagodas Pass have been trained by the Burmese army to detect and counter any anti-government activity in the area.  

Some NMSP member in Moelumin also has feeling that Burmese Intelligence (BI) (sa ya pa) follows them as shadow more than before. In Moelumin if NMSP want to do celebration, they have to inform Burmese authorities. Example? When they

Another NMSP member from Thanphyuzayat office  said that he also face the same problem , Burmese  authority  are watching  and asked them about what is doing in the office.

“After 2008 referendum the authority in Thanphyuzayat more contact our office and whatever doing and talked with other arm groups , have to inform to them. When we cerebrated Mon National Day, we saw them around the cerebration.” Were they at the celebration before? Before they were there, but not so many.

When NMSP talks with DKBA opening gambling, Burmese authorities want to know what they talked about. Phone the office and ask what they talk about. Said didn’t do that before.