More land seized in northern Mon State

More land seized in northern Mon State
More rubber plantations have been confiscated by Artillery Battalion No. 318, based near Ah-bit village in Mudon Township, say local sources...

More rubber plantations have been confiscated by Artillery Battalion No. 318, based near Ah-bit village in Mudon Township, say local sources.

On November 7th, officers from AB No. 318 called at least seven plantations owners in Ah-bit, Set-thawe, Doe-Mar and Yaung Doung village to tell them that their land had been seized. All told the battalion seized 120 acres, as well as banned the plantation owners from visiting their land and took away their travel permission cards.

According to a source close to one of the owners whose land was seized, AB No. 318 said that the battalion’s land needed to be extended. “They said they seized the land for extending the artillery land. The owners are not allowed to come to the rubber plantation. They want to complain to some authorities, but they don't know where they can complain to,” said the source.

According to the same source, the confiscated land includes 3,000 rubber trees, of which many are currently producing rubber sap. Owners of the confiscated land include Nai A Shwe, Nai A Mon, Nai Halae, Nai Thant, Nai Balie, Nai Zaw Lat, and Nai Pan Shein.

This is the third time AB No. 318 has seized rubber plantations in Mudon to “extend its land.” In October 250 acres were seized nearby, while 200 acres were taken in July. AB No. 315 in Thanpyuzayart Township also confiscated 200 acres of rubber around Wei-win-kara and Panga villages in August. Last week, Military Training School No. 4, based in Wekali village, seized and resold 140 acres of land owned by a monastery.