Mon leaders discuss political future during honoring ceremony

Mon leaders discuss political future during honoring ceremony
Mon people and political leaders celebrated the honoring ceremony for Nai Sein Maung, one of the cofounders of the Mon People’s Front, on October 12th in Paung city ...

Mon people and political leaders celebrated the honoring ceremony for Nai Sein Maung, one of the cofounders of the Mon People’s Front, on October 12th in Paung city, Paung Township. About two hundred Mon people from eight townships joined the ceremony.

The ceremony gave Mon political leaders a chance to discuss the upcoming general election, scheduled for 2010 by Burma’s military government. The ceremony was attended by the chairman of Mon National Democratic Front (MNDF), Nai Htun Thein (Nai Htaw Sorn), as well as MNDF vice chairman and secretary Nai Ngwe Thein and Dr. Min Soe Lin. The ceremony was also joined by a representative of the New Mon State Party, Nai Shwe Thein, and other community leaders.

“We discussed how to move forwards towards the 2010 general election, but I can’t discuss the details,” Dr. Min Soe Lin told IMNA.

“Nai Sein Maung said that all Mon people must not throw away their paddles, they must keep rowing and working in politics,” added Dr. Min Soe Linn.

MPF was founded in 1948, and sought Mon self-determination at the same time Burma was gaining its independence from Britain. Nai Sein Maung was not only a political chief for the MPF, but also a political voice that opened the ears and eyes of Mon people. He is 88, and the two-time survivor of two-year prison terms.