Mon National Democratic Front Liberation Area (MNDF-LA) founded

Mon National Democratic Front Liberation Area (MNDF-LA) founded
The Mon National Democratic Front Liberation Area (MNDF-LA) was founded in Mae Sot yesterday to join hands with Mon organizations and other opposition groups in exile to continue the struggle ...





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Mon National Democratic Front Liberation Area (MNDF-LA) was founded in Mae Sot
yesterday to join hands with Mon organizations and other opposition groups in
exile to continue the struggle for democracy in Burma.


the founding ceremony, the MNDF-LA was welcomed by opposition groups in exile.
MNDF-LA was founded by younger generation of Mons
under the leadership of Nai Thaung Shein, who won the 1990 elections from Kawkareik Township,
Karen State.


cannot move freely inside Burma
after the military junta demolished our party in 1992. Some of our leaders were
arrested, that's why we need to stay freely in exile. We will join hands with
other Mon organizations and other ethnic organizations to push for change in Burma,"
Nai Oausar, Secretary of MNDF-LA said.


can no longer accept military rule.  We
believe this is the best time for us to have an organization here," Oausar


was welcomed by the Mon community organization in Thailand. Many Mon leaders had for
many years approached Nai Thaung Shein to found such an organisation.


MNDF was founded in
1988 and it won five seats in the 1990 general elections. It is a member of the
United Nationalities Alliance which recently sent formal letters of their
standing to the United Nations.