Security tightened in Mon State

Security tightened in Mon State
Security has been beefed up in famous places such as pagodas, the university and bridges in Mon State Southern Burma by the Burmese military junta. Both police and soldiers have been deployed...

Security has been beefed up in famous places such as pagodas, the university and bridges in Mon State Southern Burma by the Burmese military junta. Both police and soldiers have been deployed.

According to a Moulmein (Mawlamyine) resident, about 50 uniformed policemen are guarding the Kyaikthanlan Pagoda facing the Moulmein jail.

Moulmein residents said that the authorities are keeping 24 hours surveillance apprehensive of trouble erupting on the first anniversary of the Saffron Revolution this month.

Security forces have been deployed in the Moulmein football stadium and the Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association. Intensive patrolling is on. Soldiers are patrolling the town astride motorcycles.

Not only policemen but soldiers are guarding the Moulmein-Rangoon ( Yangon ) highway. Security was tightened 15 days ago.

A Mon monk from Moulmein said about five Burmese army vehicles were standing by when local people donated rice, edible oil, and other materials to monks in Yogo village, Moulmein Township .

The Special Police (SP) Sa Ya Pha in plain clothes investigated a professor of the University for the third time making him angry, a teacher close to him said. The SP is guarding the Moulmein (Mawlamyine) University and University of Distance Education (UDE) day and night.

The teacher added that most teachers didn't know abut the interrogation because it was done secretly.

"I saw policemen and fire fighters doing sentry duty around the capital. There has been heightened security since the 20th anniversary of the 8888 uprising when University students wore black shirts on August 8," the monk added.

A youth from Naing-hlone village Mudon Township said three people are on sentry duty each night on the orders of the village headman. Government departments are being guarded by government servants.