South East Command letter warns of terrorist activities

South East Command letter warns of terrorist activities
The South East Command Commander Major General Thet Naing Win has warned ethnic groups in Moulmein (Mawlamyine) the capital of Mon State to be careful of bombers who could carry explosives from the border ...

The South East Command Commander Major General Thet Naing Win has warned ethnic groups in Moulmein (Mawlamyine) the capital of Mon State to be careful of bombers who could carry explosives from the border.

According to Maj-Gen Then Naing Win' letter to the ethnic groups especially Mon and Karen on August 23, all vehicles and motorcycles will be inspected at five special places – the Union gate at Gyaing (Zarthapyin), Salween (Thanlwin) Bridge (Hpa-an), Moulmein to Martaban Bridge, Pa nga Bus station, and Union gate in Thanpyuzayart.
The letter said the inspection would be to prevent bombers coming inside the country carrying explosives in vehicles, and two wheelers. They could also slip across the border on foot. 

According to a traveller, "They (authorities) didn't check all day, but they made random checks on the way," They especially checked the identity cards.

According to sources close to the New Mon State Party' (NMSP), the Southeast Command told NMSP to inspect their party vehicles and motorbikes.
Mon political analysts said that situation could affect the party and the government will pressurize the party.
Nai Hong sa said the regime dare not pressurize the party yet. The party is more united and stronger than other ethnic cease-fire groups. NMSP reached a ceasefire pact with Burmese government in 1995.

The analysts said they are worried about the party's organizers because the Burmese regime could snare them while there are travelling by planting bombs as in the case of  Nai Yekha and Nai Cheem Gakao.

Source close to them recalled a prisoner who came back from jail and said that the Burmese regime arranged bomb making materials and took photographs after they entered a house in Pegu (Bago) Town.

On the other hand the State Peace and Development Council (SPDC) is applying pressure on ethnic ceasefire groups to surrender their arms or to change their organizations to a police force, said a IMNA source who close to the ethnic ceasefire group.