Cyclone Nargis refugees restricted from crossing into Thailand at Three Pagoda Pass

Cyclone Nargis refugees restricted from crossing into Thailand at Three Pagoda Pass
The Three Pagoda Pass's (TPP) Township Peace and Development Council (TPDC) Chairman is keeping a close watch on Cyclone Nargis refugees who have arrived in the town so that they cannot enter Thailand...

The Three Pagoda Pass's (TPP) Township Peace and Development Council (TPDC) Chairman is keeping a close watch on Cyclone Nargis refugees who have arrived in the town so that they cannot enter Thailand. He has told the authorities and ceasefire groups to report to him if they saw refugees.

The number of refugees arriving from Irrawaddy delta to TPP town has increased and most of them are entering Thailand seeking jobs.

"The TPDC chairman U Myo Kyi ordered local authorities and asked ceasefire group's leaders and supporters to report to him if they saw refugees," a business man told IMNA.

More than 30 refugees arrived in TPP town and they hired brokers to take them into Thailand .

Some refugees who did not have enough money remained in the border towns such as Sangkhlaburi and refugee camps asking for help. Some are staying at some safe houses in Sangkhlaburi.

According to these refugees, most of them are jobless after Cyclone Nargis lashed Burma on May 2-3 and are finding it difficult to rehabilitate themselves although the UN, NGOs, the military regime and private donors are helping them.

After the cyclone killed more than 140,000 people and swept over the delta, most people have found it hard to get jobs and moved to towns in other parts of the country seeking jobs.

The number of refugees seeking jobs in southern Burma such as Karen State , Mon State and Tenasserim division has also increased.