Suu Kyi refuses to meet liaison officer: junta newspaper

Suu Kyi refuses to meet liaison officer: junta newspaper
Democracy icon Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, under house arrest, has refused to meet the junta's liaison officer and her personal physician, the Burmese military government run newspaper The New Light of Myanmar reported...

Democracy icon Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, under house arrest, has refused to meet the junta's liaison officer and her personal physician, the Burmese military government run newspaper The New Light of Myanmar reported.

The Nobel Peace Laureate Suu Kyi refused to meet the liaison officer, Labour Minister Major General Aung Kyi although the military regime arranged for a meeting yesterday evening.

The paper said "Daw Aung San Suu Kyi refused to meet the minister after she met her lawyer U Kyi Win on September 1."

The junta had arranged for her to meet Labor Minister Aung Kyi on the request of the UN Special envoy Ibrahim Gambari who visited Burma (Mynamar) for six days last month.

The paper also said "she was not available to meet Dr Tin Myo Win who was supposed to conduct a medical check-up on her and Daw Khin Khin Win and child."

Suu Kyi (63) who is under house arrest for more than 13 years, also refused to meet Ibrahim Gambari who is negotiating with the ruling junta and opposition parties for national reconciliation in Burma. She is also not accepting food supplies.

Opposition political parties and the Burmese people are worried about her health. But her lawyer Kyi Win who had met her said she has only lost weight but she is in good health.

Her party the National League for Democracy (NLD) is at a loss to explain why she is not accepting food supplies. But analysts have said that she is protesting demanding a dialogue.

Her party has alleged Gambari had wasted his time with pro-junta organizations during his trip.