Burma crackdowns on illegal Thai fishing boats in its territory

Burma crackdowns on illegal Thai fishing boats in its territory
The Military Coastal Region Command of Burma ( Myanmar ) is cracking down on Thai fishing boats which are catching fish illegally in Burmese territorial waters. At least five Thai fishing boats have been seized...

The Military Coastal Region Command of Burma ( Myanmar ) is cracking down on Thai fishing boats which are catching fish illegally in Burmese territorial waters. At least five Thai fishing boats have been seized.

Two Wa Ran (big boat) and three Wa Lart (small boat) were seized and the crew was arrested. The boats were taken to Mergui (Myeik) Tenasserim division to the command base, according to a crew member of the Thai fishing boat.

"Currently Thai boat owners are dealing with local Burmese authorities for the release of two boats and the crew. I think the two boats will be released," the crew member told IMNA.

About 20 people formed the crew for the big fishing boats and at least five people worked in the small boats. Most of the crew is Burmese.

According to a source close to the Burmese military tactical commander Col Ne Lin, Burma started the crackdown against Thai fishing boats two weeks ago. The crackdown followed when Col Ne Lin took over as the tactical commander in Kaw Thaung.

Many fishermen said many of the Thai boats regularly cross Burmese territorial waters illegally where they claim more fish is available. Some boats reach nearly Rangoon and Arakan State . On the other hand many Thai fishing boats legally work with Burmese authorities in the southern border town and fish in Burmese waters.

A Thai source said Thai boats that catch squid in Burmese waters would stop fishing because the Burmese military regime has demanded payment in US dollars.