Private electricity provider bribes TPDC, police to close electrocution case

Private electricity provider bribes TPDC, police to close electrocution case
The privately owned electricity generating and distributing agency has bribed Township authorities and police officers to close the case where a mother and her daughter were electrocuted during floods when they stepped on a snapped live wire two weeks ago.

The privately owned electricity generating and distributing agency has bribed Township authorities and police officers to close the case where a mother and her daughter were electrocuted during floods when they stepped on a snapped live wire two weeks ago.

Nai Maung Win, the electricity provider bribed the Chairman of the Township Peace and Development Council (TPDC) and the police in Ye southern Mon State three million Kyat. The mother, Mi Myint Aye (40) and daughter, Mi Khine Wei Oo (13) were electrocuted and died on the road while crossing floods waters on the way back home.

Mi Khine Wai Oo was electrocuted after she touched the electric wire when she and her mother were coming back from the market. Her mother tried to save her and was also electrocuted.

Relatives of Mi Myint Aye and Mi Khine Wai Oo from Han-gan village Ye Township about 97 miles from Moulmein the capital of Mon said the owner could have compensated the family but chose to bribe the TPDC and the police in Ye to close the case.

The relative said the owner persuaded Nai Thar Ngae, Mi Myint Aye's husband not to file a case in a court of law and just paid for funeral costs.

"We had to spend a million Kyat in donations. But how do we compensate for their loss of life. We can't prosecute him in a court of law because he bribed the authorities. We will lose if we take the case to court," he added.

Currently Han-gan village is supplied electricity from the husk of paddy after the businessman from Tavoy, Tenasserim Division started generating power two years ago.