Lower ranking Military Affairs Security Unit disarmed for security reasons

Lower ranking Military Affairs Security Unit disarmed for security reasons
Lower ranks of the Military Affairs Security Unit (Sa Ya Pha), which replaced the former Military Intelligence, were disarmed after three Lt. Generals of the Bureau of Special Operation and Lt.Gen Aung Htwe were removed.

Lower ranks of the Military Affairs Security Unit (Sa Ya Pha), which replaced the former Military Intelligence, were disarmed after three Lt. Generals of the Bureau of Special Operation and Lt.Gen Aung Htwe were removed.

Ranks lower than Captain in the Sa Ya Pha have been disarmed because top generals believe that some Sa Ya Pha members loyal to Lt. General Ye Myint would be a security risk after his dismissal.

"Currently Burmese Generals are worried that Sa Ya Pha who are members experts in explosive devices would cause blasts. They are also afraid of Military Intelligence (MI) which was demolished after Gen Khin Nyunt was sacked from power," an analyst from Rangoon said.

"Our partners in Mon and Karen State and other parts of southern Burma have already been disarmed. They told me that there is a power struggle between the tops general," a Sa Ya Pha source told IMNA.

Although the four generals, Lt Gen Ye Myint, Lt Gen Khin Maung Thant, Lt Gen Aung Htwe and Lt Gen Kyaw Win were dismissed there has been no official report.

Last June, the military regime went in for a major reshuffle in the top ranks of the Burmese Army. Following the reshuffle tension among the Burmese military generals has been increasing daily and there is also a rumour that low ranking policemen will not be allowed to carry arms except in special cases.

There was also rumours of tension last month when Senior General Than Shwe posted his son-in-law Col Thein Naing to lead the Mingaladon Air base.