No electricity supply without inaugural ceremony: Naypyidaw

No electricity supply without inaugural ceremony: Naypyidaw
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Without an inaugural ceremony supply of electricity will not commence in villages in Mudon Township and Thanpyuzayart Township, the ruling Burmese junta in Naypyidaw has informed the Power Lighting Committee (PLC).

Without an inaugural ceremony supply of electricity will not commence in villages in Mudon Township and Thanpyuzayart Township, the ruling Burmese junta in Naypyidaw has informed the Power Lighting Committee (PLC).

During the end of July, Naypyidaw ordered local authorities to cut off power supply to six villages in Mudon and Thanpyuzayart, which was given electricity for a month.

Naypyidaw also ordered the PLC in these villages to meet officials of the Ministry of Electric Power in Naypyidaw.

U Aung Khin heading the Power Lighting Committee (Me Lin Ye Committee) from Nyaung-gone village who went to Napyidaw told villagers at a meeting, that power will be supplied again after the inauguration ceremony in October.

"The Military Southeast Commander will attend the ceremony. But we have to pay two million Kyat. If we do not give the money he will not attend the ceremony," added a member.

The Mon State Ministry of Electric Power started supplying electricity to the Nyaung –gone, Kyaik-ywe and Taw-guu villages Mudon in June.

After a bomb exploded at the telecommunication office in Kyone-paik village, the authorities cut off electricity supply to these villages since the end of July. The villagers have been struggling for more than 10 years to get electricity from the authorities.

Villagers said that "we have not been getting electricity since the month of July, although the authorities supplied power regularly before the blast. But after the bomb explosion they cuff off supply."

Each household using electricity has to pay between 0.7 and 1 million Kyats. "I have to pay 0.9 million Kyat to get electricity," complained a villager.

The authorities issued the same threat in Thanpyuzayart Township where the authorities cut off power from the transformer because supply of electricity to the villages was done without the permission of Naypyidaw.