Tornado damages plantations worth 200 million Kyat

Tornado damages plantations worth 200 million Kyat
by -
Aye Karat
Plantations worth at least 200 million Kyat was damaged by the tornado which lashed Ye township Mon state, Burma last Saturday, the day after a tropical cyclone hit Mon state destroying dozens of homes.

Plantations worth at least 200 million Kyat was damaged by the tornado which lashed Ye township Mon state, Burma last Saturday, the day after a tropical cyclone hit Mon state destroying dozens of homes.

The tornado struck northern Ye town at about 8 pm and destroyed six plantations of rubber, areca palm, and lemon.

About 100 acres of plantations were damaged and the plants uprooted as the tornado moved towards Ye mountain.

"Four plantations were totally damaged and two plantations were reduced to half," a plantation owner, Mi Nort said.

"About 800 of my rubber plants were uprooted. The areca palm and lemon were similarly damaged," Nort added.

An eyewitness said, the tornado created a noise similar to an aircraft flying low and next morning they discovered the damage.

Local people claim, they had not seen such a strong tornado before. A tornado hit the area on August 7. A tornado also lashed Thanpyuzayart Township and damaged two houses in Pa-Nga village.

But on August 8, a strong tropical storm hit Mon state and dozens of houses and schools in Moulmein , Mudon and Thanpyuzayart were damaged.

At least 20 houses were destroyed in Mudon Township and some farms were lashed by the storm. The majority of the damage was in Mudon Township and according to a headmaster some roofs of the Basic Education High School No.11 in Moulmein and No.2 in Thanpyuzayart were blown away by the storm.