Tropical storm hits Mon State , dozens of houses destroyed

Tropical storm hits Mon State , dozens of houses destroyed
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A tropical storm lashed Mudon Township Mon state last night destroying dozens of houses and farms.

A tropical storm lashed Mudon Township Mon state last night destroying dozens of houses and farms.

At about 8 last night the storm hit Mudon town, and many villages in the area.

"Roofs of dozens of houses were blown off by the storm in Kaw-Pharao and Sat thit quarters. Most farms near the town were destroyed," a Mudon resident, told IMNA.

"At least 20 houses were flattened by the storm and many homes had their roofs blown off in my village," a Set-thawe villager said.

Many villages in southern Mudon Township were hit and Set-thawe, Ah-bit, Kyaik ywe villages suffered major damages. Due to the seriousness of the situation the Military Southeast Command, Major-General Thet Naing Win will come on inspection and till then residents have been told not to repair the houses.

Local authorities are preparing for the Major-General's visit and have placed tight security along the Moulmein -Ye motor road.

The storm also hit Moulmein uprooting trees, local resident said.

A tornado hit the day before yesterday and roofs of two houses in Pa-nga village, Thanpyuzayart township were blown away and some tree were uprooted in Set-thawe village Mudon township.