TPP houses and Ye town market flooded

TPP houses and Ye town market flooded
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Some houses in the Three Pagoda Pass (TPP) Township, Karen State and the town market in Ye, southern Mon state were inundated by flood waters from overflowing rivers.

Some houses in the Three Pagoda Pass (TPP) Township, Karen State and the town market in Ye, southern Mon state were inundated by flood waters from overflowing rivers.

Because of incessant heavy rain over the last three days, flood waters started entering Chanug zone village on the western side of TPP Township at midday today.

"At least 15 houses went under water. Most of the houses are small and sell food along the river front," a villager told IMNA.

According to a villager, the water is almost at the same level as that witnessed last year when over 20 houses were destroyed rendering more than 300 villagers homeless. Villagers are apprehensive of the situation worsening this year.

Because of flooding of the Ye river in Mon State , the Ye town market staircase went under water.

"The water started entering at about 1 pm but within an hour the water rose to about two feet," a shop owner in the market said.

The market was closed down after water entered. Ye market is flooded regularly with the Ye river overflowing during the rainy season.