Martial Law in Mon Township following explosion

Martial Law in Mon Township following explosion
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In a desperate attempt to prevent incidents of bombing and arson on the eve of the commemoration of the 8888 demonstration in Burma , Townships Peace and Development Council (TPDC) in Mon State has ordered every government office, hospital and school to be guarded at night by members of the staff of the respective institutions .

In a desperate attempt to prevent incidents of bombing and arson on the eve of the commemoration of the 8888 demonstration in Burma , Townships Peace and Development Council (TPDC) in Mon State has ordered every government office, hospital and school to be guarded at night by members of the staff of the respective institutions .

On orders from TPDC, civil staff members are patrolling main offices at night, according to a medic of the health department.

"At least one employee is on guard in the offices. Authorities have told us they will not take responsibility for any explosion, should it occur in any of the offices. Instead, we shall be jailed for any untoward incident."

In every school, in addition to the principal, members of the Village Peace and Development Council (VPDC) are seen guarding the compound of educational institutions. August 8, 2008 marks the 20th anniversary of the of 8888 demonstration of 1988.

Township authorities have ordered village headmen to announce Martial law in villages; to allow no one to leave the villages after 10 pm.

The authorities know the exact number of the guests and migrant workers in every village of the state. Any discrepancy in numbers will be severely dealt with, the village authorities have been told.

Some villages had already asked residents to be careful about the movement of guests from other parts of the village.

While the authorities did not give a reason for heightened security, civil servants and the man on the street are more than sure that the government is afraid of the eve of the August 8 movement.

Meanwhile, after bombs exploded on the telecommunication post, on the southern edge of Mudon Township , authorities have stepped up security on the highway and are checking travellers at the gate.

After the explosion, soldiers, policemen and township authorities have rushed into villages around the site of the blast and are keeping a close watch on the villages.