Member of Myanmar Women's Affairs Federation arrested with 10,000 amphetamine pills

Member of Myanmar Women's Affairs Federation arrested with 10,000 amphetamine pills
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A member of the Myanmar Women's Affairs Federation in Three Pagoda Pass (TPP) Township was arrested by the Thai Royal Police from Bangkok on July 25, in possession of 10,000 amphetamine pills.

A member of the Myanmar Women's Affairs Federation in Three Pagoda Pass (TPP) Township was arrested by the Thai Royal Police from Bangkok on July 25, in possession of 10,000 amphetamine pills.

Daw Zin Myo Tun, from the New-Karen quarter between Taung Waing village and TPP town near the Thai border was arrested near Nam-Pa-Kate on the way to Sanghklaburi.

"She is well known and was selling the pills when she was trapped by Thai police," a source said.

There was a rumour that she was arrested with 30,000 pills, but Thai Royal Army sources said, she was arrested with ten thousand pills.

That is the second largest amount of amphetamine seized in the TPP area this year. The first time, Burmese authorities seized about 300,000 pills from a resident last February.

The New Mon State Party (NMSP), the strongest Mon political armed group based in the area regularly arrests drug dealers in the area.

Recently NMSP arrested a Mon resident who was dealing drugs into Thai territory.