Burmese migrant worker shot in southern Thailand

Burmese migrant worker shot in southern Thailand
by -
Mon Son
A Burmese migrant worker was shot by an unidentified Thai gang last night in southern Thailand . Nai Myat Soe was shot when he and his son went to the rubber plantation in Tha Chana Township , Surat Thani province at midnight.

A Burmese migrant worker was shot by an unidentified Thai gang last night in southern Thailand . Nai Myat Soe was shot when he and his son went to the rubber plantation in Tha Chana Township , Surat Thani province at midnight.

Blai Due son of Nai Myat Soe said "My father was shot three times in the chest".  

They were shot at when they went to the rubber plantation on a motorcycle around 12 pm. Blai Due escaped.

"My father died 10 minutes after he was shot on the way to hospital. Surat Thani police are still investigation the killing," said Blai Due.

Blai Due and his family have been working in the rubber plantation for about two months. They hail from Thanpyuzayart Township in Mon state. The family migrated to Thailand  more than 10 years ago.

Many Burmese migrant workers are working in rubber plantations in Surat . Migrant workers have been facing many problems with gangs torturing and killing them, said a worker in Surat Thani.

On February 9, some Burmese migrants were shot at while they were working in a rubber plantation in the same province in Ban Na San.

Last January, a group of migrant workers were robbed by a gang which included two Mon youths. The robbers damaged and burnt property of workers.

Up to two million Burmese migrants are estimated to be working in Thailand , less than 500,000 of them legally according to the Chiang Mai based Migrant Assistance Program.