Border closed for residents, open for timber business

Border closed for residents, open for timber business
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The Three Pagodas Pass TPP township authorities in Karen State are allowing vehicles carrying timber after being bribed to cross the main gate. Local residents and passengers are not being allowed the same facility.

The Three Pagodas Pass TPP township authorities in Karen State are allowing vehicles carrying timber after being bribed to cross the main gate. Local residents and passengers are not being allowed the same facility.

The Thai-Burma border gate has been closed since May 2005 after the Democratic Karen Buddhist Army (DKBA) abducted two Thai border policemen on May 22 from Sangkhlaburi District Kanchanburi Province. They were released on May 26. But the military regime continued to keep the border closed although local businessmen from both countries repeatedly requested the Burmese junta to reopen the gate.

According to a resident from TPP Town in Karen State, "the authorities allow vehicles carrying teak after being bribed." Businessmen pay at least 70,000 Baht in bribes for each ten wheeler truck carrying timber to pass once. The rate for vehicle carrying fuel is 10,000 Baht, while it is about 8,000 Baht for those carrying cassava plants (tapioca) -- Pulo Pinang in Burmese language.

But residents and vehicles carrying vegetables from the Thai side is not allowed. They have to use cross roads to cross the border paying small amount of bribes to soldiers and policemen.

The Burmese authorities opened the main gate for 37 vehicles carrying Parkay timber on Saturday to enter Thailand even as it stopped people to cross the main gate, an IMNA source said.

There were 30 four-wheeled vehicles, four six-wheeled and three ten-wheeled vehicles carrying parquet (patterned flooring). Drivers bribed about 70,000 Baht for ten-wheeled vehicles, 50,000 Baht for six-wheeled vehicles, and 5,000 Baht for four-wheeled vehicles.

A TPP resident said that people are using the road from Gubowl and Japanese well villages (Palaing Japan village) from TPP to Sangkhlaburi. Closure of the gates makes it difficult for students who attend Thai schools. Students from the Burmese side use the cross ways beside the main gate.

Last month, about 60 timber laden vehicles were allowed to pass through the main gate after the Thai-Burma border committee, the Burmese battalion and the township authorities were bribed.

The Thai border committee, a Lieutenant-Colonel, and the TPP chairman have a nexus and are involved in allowing vehicles carrying timber crossing into Thailand, said the businessman.

The timber businessman said all vehicles paid taxes for crossing the check-point. The charges are about 30,000 Kyat per vehicle. Most of them were six-wheeled and ten-wheeled vehicles. At least 1.2 million Baht was paid to the Lieutenant- Colonel.