Tenasserim tops pass percentage in Burma

Tenasserim tops pass percentage in Burma
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Mon Son
Tenasserim division occupied the first place in terms of the percentage of students passing high school in the 2007-2008 academic year in Burma , according to the results released on Saturday. Tenasserim shot past Mon state, which topped over the last two years, by more than four percent

Tenasserim division occupied the first place in terms of the percentage of students passing high school in the 2007-2008 academic year in Burma , according to the results released on Saturday. Tenasserim shot past Mon state, which topped over the last two years, by more than four percent

Tenasserim posted more than 48 per cent passes while the Mon State percentage stood at 44.25 per cent. Rangoon has 43 percent.

 "Mon sate has the second highest percentage this year because of the authorities policy that 8th and 9th standard students, who failed in the 2006 – 2007 academic year had to sit for an examination again and were helped to pass easily to join the 10th standard in 2007-2008 academic year," a principal of a high school said.

Tenasserim division did not abide by the policy and overtook Mon state, she claimed.

"As far as I know this is the first time Tenasserim division has topped in seven states and divisions," she added.

The military regime pushed the local education department to work hard in its area to register a higher pass percentage. Last year the military government awarded 1 million to each high school which crossed the 50 per cent mark in Mon state.

"Last year students had to attend classes six days a week in keeping with the order of the Military Southeast Command Maj Gen Thet Naing Win to maintain the state's reputation," a principal said.

According to a source from the education department in Mon state, a majority of schools had to contend with a drop in percentage this year. Mon state registered 48.2 percent and 38 percent in the last two years and overtook Rangoon division.