USDA donates funds to school in Mon state

USDA donates funds to school in Mon state
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Mon Son
Burma's Union Solidarity and Development Association (USDA) has donated funds to a school in Mon state, according to a report published by the state owned newspaper yesterday.

Burma's Union Solidarity and Development Association (USDA) has donated funds to a school in Mon state, according to a report published by the state owned newspaper yesterday.

However, it was not USDA money, the majority of the funds were collected from the people, a source close to a USDA member said.

The funds were collected by the Township Education Committee from the local people, government departments, and local traders. The funds amounted to almost Kyat 18 million.

The New Light of Myanmar on Wednesday claimed that USDS General Secretary U Khin Maung Oo had donated the money to U Thaw Tar Twin of the Township Education Committee at Thanpyuzayart No.1 High School on May 29. The money would be used for buying books for students and other school material, added the newspaper.

A teacher from the Thanphyzayar Township said, "We collected money from the students also to show the amount of money to the authorities." Other schools were also collecting money from the students and teachers.

Although the authorities have been providing free primary school education, students still have to pay during enrollment. Schools enrolled students from May 25 to 31 while the academic year for 2008 started on June 2.

USDA is notorious for masterminding the murderous attack on Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and her entourage of NLD supporters on May 30, 2003 in Depayin, in Central Burma . USDA was founded on September 15, 1993. The military government has plans of reforming USDA as a political party for the 2010 election.