Fresh cyclone warning scare locals

Fresh cyclone warning scare locals
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A fresh cyclone warning in Southern Mon state has scared local people. Many are praying at the local pagoda.

A fresh cyclone warning in Southern Mon state has scared local people. Many are praying at the local pagoda.

Yesterday the military junta warned people about a cyclone and also set up warning signals in Mudon and Thanpyuzayart Township although the state run TV did not say anything about the cyclone. The storm or cyclone will hit the area in the next few days.

"People have been praying. Some cooked chicken and coconut milk rice and made donations to monks to be free them from the impending disaster," a military government employee told IMNA. Some people put lemon grass in front of their homes as they believe it will protect them from the disaster.

A few villagers in southern Mudon Township have shifted to higher ground after the village headman told them to. But a majority of villagers are still at home. Some people said they did not believe the authorities' warning.

Following the warning, people dare not go out and work. Few people are seen in town. However some farmers are still working in their farms.