Number of cyclone victims mount in Wakema

Number of cyclone victims mount in Wakema
by -
Non Dae
Even as the number of victims of cyclone Nargis mounts in Wakema Township , southwest of Irrawaddy Division private donors are facing problems arranging supplies for donation.

Even as the number of victims of cyclone Nargis mounts in Wakema Township , southwest of Irrawaddy Division private donors are facing problems arranging supplies for donation.

According to a monk from a monastery in Wakema Township , Myaungmya District, the numbers of victims had gone up. Today it was about 1,000 whereas yesterday there were about 600 victims.

Four camps have been opened in Labutta, Moulmeingyun (Mawlamyinegyunn), Wakema Township , and Bogale Township for about 433 cyclone victims, according to the State run media, The New Light of Myanmar.

The media reported that Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association donated 500,000 Kyat per township.  

"Essential commodities are hard to come by. We have to buy it separately from several shops for the donation," said one donor in Wakema Township . She bought supplies with the help of local youths.

The donors said one victim received only about five potatoes and one Pyi (Burmese measurement) of rice from the Burmese authorities per day.

Most donors will take back their supplies if the local authorities take it from them to donate. The donors didn't want to give the items to the authorities but would like to donate it in the disaster zones directly, she said.

The regime distributed 0.20 viss (about 12 ozs) of cooked oil per house costing 500 Kyat today to victims. The current cost in the market is 600 Kyat.

She said the donors took their supplies back because the authorities had told them give supplies through an intermediary in Baying Naung, Mayangone Township . The supplies are dry fish, soap, and other food-stuff.

Residents in Mon State have also provided for Nargis victims by collecting along the highway and from some businessmen in the state, according to Mon people who donated.