Cyclone damage in Mon State minimal

Cyclone damage in Mon State minimal
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There has been no serous damage in Mon State, but cyclone Nargis destroyed about 16 houses in a Mon village in Thanbyuzayat Township.

There has been no serous damage in Mon State, but cyclone Nargis destroyed about 16 houses in a Mon village in Thanbyuzayat Township.

A village called Htin-yuu, in Thanbyuzayat Township saw 16 houses being destroyed but there was no casualty and injuries.

The storm crossed all parts of Mon State and damaged some small fishermen's houses on the western coast in Ye Township. The fishing community had to shift their temporary shelters to higher locations and sought refuge in other villagers' houses to protect themselves from the rain. However, trees were not uprooted.

A tree fell in Hnee-hnaw village Ye township, a fishing village in northern Ye Township and hit a man. He received minor injuries.

Heavy rain along with the storm destroyed dry season paddy in Mudon Township and the farmers said that it is harvest time and many of them lost their crops. Some farmers harvested paddy and put it in the fields which were wet because of the rain. Some farmers lost their paddy at the plant stage because they were yet to be reaped.

The storm crossed Balu Island, west of Moulmein, the capital of Mon State, but there was no report of damages. There were minor damages in a house in some villages in the coastal part of the island, accordingly to an islander.

The storm also crossed upper Mon State into Kyaik-hto and Bee-lin Township at 100 miles per hour according to state radio. Many trees were uprooted, but no injuries and death were reported by the state media.

According to an officer in Thaton Township, some television anttenas and trees were affected by the storm.

The roof of a high school in Thanpyuzayart was damaged by the storm and over one hundred thousand Kyat is needed to repair it, said the school administrator.

The expressway from rural Mon State to Rangoon (Yangon) is open but trees blocked the road.

A traveller to Rangoon said "on May 2 the expressway from Mon State is not opened till Rangoon. They had to get off in the downtown area because it was dangerous to enter."