Export of rice prohibited in Three Pagoda Pass: traders

Export of rice prohibited in Three Pagoda Pass: traders
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Export of rice has been banned in Three Pagoda Pass on the orders of the Military Southeast Command, according to rice traders.

Export of rice has been banned in Three Pagoda Pass on the orders of the Military Southeast Command, according to rice traders.

Three Pagoda Pass Township Peace and Development Council and the military command called a meeting of rice traders at the town hall and issued the order.

"No more rice will be allowed to be exported to Thailand. The rice is to be stored for selling in the town. Another reason is the border is closed, that is why we can't export," said a trader who attended the meeting.

Local military authorities in Mon stated also ordered restriction in carrying rice from one township to another township to control the rice price in the state.

But some traders from inside Mon state believe if the rice is not allowed to be carried and traded freely, price of rice would increase.

Meanwhile the price of rice has jumped by nearly 10 per cent today. Kaugh Kyi rice price spiralled from 460,000 to 500,000 Kyat today in Mon state.

Rice export became lucrative in Three Pagoda Pass after the biggest rice importer Thailand faced a crisis in rice supply. The export was illegally started last March and it caused concern among consumers in the area because the price was increasing.

In early March, price of rice was only 740 Baht for a 60 kg sack and after illegal trading increased in the border, the price touched nearly 900 Kyat per sack.

At least 200 sacks of rice have been exported to Thailand in the past and the majority of the rice was brought from Thanpyuzart and Mudon Township.