Polling stations in schools for May referendum

Polling stations in schools for May referendum
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Government schools in townships will be converted to polling stations for the referendum. Orders have been issued to conduct remote teaching in Mon summer schools held in government school precincts, according to the Mon Literature and Culture Committee (MLCC) in southern Burma.

Government schools in townships will be converted to polling stations for the referendum. Orders have been issued to conduct remote teaching in Mon summer schools held in government school precincts, according to the Mon Literature and Culture Committee (MLCC) in southern Burma.

According to the MLCC, the local authorities in Ye township southern Mon State ordered the MLCC not to teach students in Mon summer schools in government school precincts because they will be converted into polling stations.

An IMNA source said "last year, the MLCC taught students in its summer schools in about ten schools in Ye town without being prohibited by local authorities. But now they are not allowing teaching at these schools".

The MLCC said that they began holding summer schools in five monasteries after the local authorities disallowed teaching at schools.

The summer schools opened in the monasteries today, but the number of students have decreased because some monasteries are far from the homes of students, said the source.

According to a government school administrator in Mon State, the polling stations in May could be in some primary schools. The education department staff members in the township were forcibly made to sign a pledge to cooperate with the commission for holding the referendum to approve the draft constitution when the people come to vote.

An IMNA source said the local authorities will announce the list of voters in their offices before the poll day. The residents have to check for their names at the local authorities' offices.

According to the authorities' people, monks, prisoners and those who have illegally taken up jobs in neighbouring countries will not be allowed to vote.