Referendum campaigns wide spread in Mon state during water festival

Referendum campaigns wide spread in Mon state during water festival
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Referendum campaigns launched by both military government authorities and Vote “NO” activists wide spread in Mon State during Songkran (New Year water festival). However, the local people could be forced to give supporting vote on May 10, 2008 Referendum for the draft Constitution that was draft for 14 years, according to the plan manipulated by the military government.

Referendum campaigns launched by both military government authorities and Vote “NO” activists wide spread in Mon State during Songkran (New Year water festival). However, the local people could be forced to give supporting vote on May 10, 2008 Referendum for the draft Constitution that was draft for 14 years, according to the plan manipulated by the military government.

In the capital of Mon state, Moulmein (Mawlamyine) city, the local SPDC authorities and their supporters put big signs written to give supporting YES vote in their Songkaran stages and backgrounds. But the activists and opposition groups sprayed with color on the main road to give against vote that has “No” and “X” sign.

Both sides launched campaigns on the ways where the general publics travel and can notice during the water festival.

“After activists sprayed a while, local military officers cleared the spray. But the campaign to give supporting vote were displayed all the five days on the stages,” a local observer in Moulmein told IMNA.

However, the campaign against the constitution also did in further southern of Mon state, like Mudon and Thanpyuzayart Township by activists.

On the main road of Moulmein -Ye roads are regularly sprayed to give “No” and “X” vote. But military government authorities and Commission for Holding Referendum plans to force the local people to give supporting vote and starting their meetings with local villages’ headmen.

“As the higher rank authorities order us, we have to tell villagers to give supporting vote ‘Yes’ and we have to drive out the villagers from the village those do not go for vote.  We are also ordered to take lists of the people who give the against vote ‘No’,” explained by a village headman who joined the meeting at Mudon township arranged by Commission for Holding Referendum.

According to source from activists, they said, the campaign to give against vote is still continuing in Mon state. Many papers written to give “X” vote attached on the tree and some posters.  The flies are also continuously distributed to general people.