Mon youth actively aware of current affairs

Mon youth actively aware of current affairs
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Mon youths have become aware of current affairs in Burma and are actively involved in movements, said activists in Mon state, Burma.

Mon youths have become aware of current affairs in Burma and are actively involved in movements, said activists in Mon state, Burma.
Mon youth including students, singers, and monks are actively involved in movements since the September uprising in 2007 said an observer.
Recently, they distributed pamphlets opposing the Burmese military junta's referendum in Moulmein , Mon state, said the observer. Not only that they also participated in the Mon revolution day, Mon national day and Mon summer school, he added.
"While singing on the stage recently, Mon singers sang Mon alphabets with the audience and encouraged them to learn Mon language and also wear Mon traditional dresses," he said.
On some issues the youth join hands and work together. On some other issues, they work separately, he said.
"We believe we should not wait for Mon political parties or organizations to work for our nationality. Every Mon has a responsibility towards the nationality," a Moulmein University student said.
All Mon youth have planned to work together to persuade people to oppose the ensuing referendum, he added.