Mon students, youth and monks oppose referendum

Mon students, youth and monks oppose referendum
by -
Loa Htaw
Mon university students, youth and monks have started distributing pamphlets opposing the Burmese military junta's referendum in Moulmein , Mon state, said local residents.

Mon university students, youth and monks have started distributing pamphlets opposing the Burmese military junta's referendum in Moulmein , Mon state, said local residents.
Spreading the word the dissidents are encouraging people to oppose the draft constitution without fear, said a township civil society youth leader.
 "The pamphlet advocates opposing the referendum. If we do not oppose the referendum, the regime will continue in power and oppress the people. The government will be provided a license to repress the people further if the constitution is approved through a referendum," he said.
The pamphlets also urged the military regime to stop perpetrating violence and abusing people, he said.
The pamphlets have been distributed among monks, students and youth. But the distribution is not wide spread enough yet, he added.
The New Mon State Party (NMSP) has not supported the Burmese military government's constitutional process either. The regime had announced that the referendum will be held in May this year while elections would be held in 2010. The constitution effectively excludes ethnic groups and rules out a federation.
The NMSP believes Burma 's political problems can only be solved through a tripartite dialogue which includes ethnic and opposition parties as well as the Burmese military government.
The Mon National Democratic Front (MNDF) which contested in the Burma 1990 election also said the ensuing referendum and election is just to prolong and extend the junta's grip on power.