Burmese Army troops kill woman in southern Ye Township

Burmese Army troops kill woman in southern Ye Township
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At about 5: 00 a.m. on March 3, troops of the Burmese Army's Infantry Battalion No. 31 on patrol suddenly shot at a couple who were tapping rubber sap. A 30-year old woman Ms. Mi Nge died on the spot.

At about 5: 00 a.m. on March 3, troops of the Burmese Army's Infantry Battalion No. 31 on patrol suddenly shot at a couple who were tapping rubber sap. A 30-year old woman Ms. Mi Nge died on the spot.  
The incident occurred outside Yin-ye village in southern part of Ye Township.  Troops led by Captain Min Ko Htwe and his soldiers from IB No. 31 met the couple early in the morning in a rubber plantation and they fired a shell from a M-79 mortar and shot from a rifle, said a rubber plantation owner from Yin-ye village on condition of anonymity.  
The husband of Ms. Mi Nge, Nai Myaing (32) also received serious injuries in his left leg and was sent to Ye hospital for treatment. They were day-labourers who tapped rubber sap at a local plantation. They belonged to Ba-lu Island or Chaung-zon Township in mid Mon State .  
The next day on March 4, IB No. 31 the troops called a meeting of all villagers from Yin-ye and forced them to collect 80,000 Kyat to provide the cost of treatment of the injured man.  
A source from the Mon ceasefire group New Mon State Party said, the IB No. 31 probably suspected the villagers were rebels from the Monland Restoration Party and shot at them.  Mon rebels led by Nai Chan Done are active in the area and Burmese Army has alerted their men to be careful.  
The Burmese Army has also given orders to villagers not to go out of their villages without permission or before 6 a.m. in the morning.  But the order makes it difficult for rubber sap workers who need to work early in the morning which is before 6 a.m.
Because of the conflict between the Burmese Army and Mon rebels in the southern part of Ye Township or Khaw-za Sub-Township area, the local villagers have consistently suffered from various types of human rights abuses – arbitrary killings, arrests and detention, forced porterage, and movement restrictions.