Cholera outbreak in Mon state capital

Cholera outbreak in Mon state capital
by -
Loa Htaw
There has been a cholera outbreak in Moulmein the capital of Mon state. The onset of cholera has been earlier this year compared to 2007, said a doctor in Moulmein, southern Burma.

There has been a cholera outbreak in Moulmein the capital of Mon state. The onset of cholera has been earlier this year compared to 2007, said a doctor in Moulmein, southern Burma.

Last year, the outbreak was noticed at the end of this month. But this year it started two weeks ago, said the doctor.

"About three to four people have arrived in my clinic over the last two weeks and most of them are elderly people," said the doctor. "Other clinics in the capital have also received cholera patients," he said.

"We do not know exactly what happened," he said.

"Recently, there has been no health education programme on cholera by the government health workers," he added.

There has been an outbreak of cholera in other parts of Mon state as well, especially in the New Mon State Party (NMSP) controlled areas southern Ye township in Panang-Peung village, said NMSP Health Program coordinator Nai Chay Mon.

Forty five Internally Displaced Persons have been infected by cholera and arrived in the clinic in Panang- Peung village. The health workers have moved 16 patients to Jo-Haprao village hospital and have provided Dohy Cycline to prevent the cholera from spreading in the villages near by said Nai Chay Mon.

Usually there is cholera outbreak in Mon state and across the country at the end of March and continues till May.