Tractor-trailer owners forced to buy sand for golf-field

Tractor-trailer owners forced to buy sand for golf-field
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The Thanphyuzayart Township Peace and Development Council in Mon state has forced tractor-trailer owners to buy sand at a cost of 4,000 Kayt for each tractor load in order to revamp the Shwe Phyu Yatana golf-field in town, said locals.
The Thanphyuzayart Township Peace and Development Council in Mon state has forced tractor-trailer owners to buy sand at a cost of 4,000 Kayt for each tractor load in order to revamp the Shwe Phyu Yatana golf-field in town, said locals.
Tractor-trailer owners in every village of Thanphyuzayart Township have no option except sending money to the VPDC office in the township, said a resident tractor-trailer owner. They started paying 4,000 Kyat for each load since the beginning of this month, he said. 
The Village Peace and Development Council in Thanphyuzayart Township held a meeting in the end of December 2007 and sent a letter to tractor-trailer owners in the second week of January 2008, saying that they have to pay 4,000 Kyat to the VPDC office for a pile of sand.
Tractor-trailer owners have not mentioned anything concerning the forcible collection of money for construction of a golf-field. However they said that the traffic police had already taken 25,000 Kyat to allow them to go around in Thanphyuzayart Township . They also collected 21, 00 Kyat as wheel tax from each for one year.
With Chinese made engines, tractor-trailers are common for local transportation in Mon State . It is used to carry the yield from farms and the other domestic goods. Most of the farmers own tractors and it is difficult to gauge the exact numbers of tractors.
There are 43 villages in Thanphyuzayart Township and even the smallest village has two tractors and the biggest village has approximately 20, said a Thanphyuzayart resident.