Another Mon migrant worker in Thailand murdered

Another Mon migrant worker in Thailand murdered
by -
Banyol Kin
A Mon migrant worker was killed by a Thai gunman in Surat Thani province, PhunPhin Township and Hta Lon Chang village southern Thailand last week.
A Mon migrant worker was killed by a Thai gunman in Surat Thani province, PhunPhin Township and Hta Lon Chang village southern Thailand last week.
"Two men came in a red car on February 13 and asking "where is Mon family". Someone showed our room and they knocked on the door. I asked "Who are you. What do you want? They said they wanted to know whether their men had arrived or not. I thought they were good people I allow them to come inside," said the victim's wife.
According to her, they chatted for awhile and her husband realized that the two men came to kill him and he tried to run away. As soon as he tried to move they shot him eight times and left him dead.
They did nothing to his wife and three little grandchildren.
The murdered man known as Nai Maragu from Mon state, southern Burma has been working in Thailand for more than ten years. He had a nexus with policemen as he operated as a tout to traffic migrant workers from Burma .
According to his friend, he worked honestly, many people believed in him and they went with him. That is why another tout was jealous of him and tried to trouble him many times before he was killed.
One week before he died, policemen followed his car, stopped him and beat him up. He escaped at that time but his son-in-law who was with him was badly tortured by them.
A few weeks ago, two persons were killed because of closing a road in a rubber enclosure passing through their boss's land. Their boss ordered them to close it angering Thai men. They shot the two Mon migrants at night.
"Now we don't want to live here anymore because killings are occurring around us. The killers are never caught," said a Mon migrant worker in Surat Thani.
Many people are leaving theses area and going back home to Burma , he added.
Despite the killings of migrant workers in Surat Thani area, nobody ever goes to court to fight for justice.