Nay Pyi Daw searches for Thai cordless phones in Mon state

Nay Pyi Daw searches for Thai cordless phones in Mon state
by -
Malay Chan
The military junta authorities in Nay Pyi Daw have been searching for Thai cordless telephones in Southern Burma Mon state.

The military junta authorities in Nay Pyi Daw have been searching for Thai cordless telephones in Southern Burma Mon state.
On February 12, six people who claimed to be officials from Nay Pyi Daw arrived in Young Doung Village in Mudon Township Mon state and tried to trace Thai cordless telephones, said locals.
The six arrived at a house where the owner has a land line telephone and asked how many Thai cordless telephones were there in the village. The house owner said his house had only  one land line and that he had no idea how  many cordless telephones the village had, said a neighbour of the house owner who was present.
The Young Doung villagers were suspicious and did not trust the six people, he added.
Cordless telephones are illegal in Burma and local people mainly rely on cordless phones to keep in touch with their family members, transfer and change money as it is easier to access contacts.
Cordless telephones have been in use in the country since Military Intelligence (MI) No. 5 came into existence and there is an understanding between the locals and regional authorities.   
In Mon state most villages have an average of five cordless phones in each village. Most people rely on the cordless phones to contact their family members who work as migrant workers in neighbouring countries such Thailand, Malaysia and South Korea.