Burma authorities seize 28000 amphetamines on Thai-Burma border

Burma authorities seize 28000 amphetamines on Thai-Burma border
by -
Lao Htaw
Burma authorities today seized 28000 amphetamines on Thai-Burma border in Three Pagoda Pass Township said the authority sources.

Burma authorities today seized 28000 amphetamines on Thai-Burma border in Three Pagoda Pass Township said the authority sources.
It is the first time of largest amout has been seized by the Burmese authorities in the TPP and also the first time of seized in 2008.
The authorities seized from the smuggler U Aye Myine 48 at about 11am in the house at the township where he lived said a local businessman who closes to the authorities.
According to the authorities the seized amphetamines cost about 140 million kyats, said the businessman.
Now the authorities have reported the case to the high authorities including Karen State Peace and Development Council and the Military Southeast Command he said.
The smuggler was from Karen State , Kyainnseikyi Township and now he was detained at TPP police station, said the businessman.  
“The smuggler might have link to the local authorities and businessmen because it is a large amout and cost a lot of money” he added.
The TPP border Township is under the administrative control of the Burmese military government. Ethnic cease-fire groups including the NMSP, Karen Peace of Front (KPF), Democratic Karen Buddhist Army (DKBA) are also based in TPP and have some control over the area.

The majority of residents in TPP are ethnic people including Mon, Karen and Shan. Most of the families depend on logging and furniture trade for their survival.