Burmese authorities force people to put up Burma 's flag

Burmese authorities force people to put up Burma 's flag
by -
Loa Htaw
Burmese junta authorities forced people to put up Burma 's flag both on their cars and at home on the 61st anniversary of Burma Union Day today said residents.

Burmese junta authorities forced people to put up Burma 's flag both on their cars and at home on the 61st anniversary of Burma Union Day today said residents.
Bus owners both in Rangoon and Mon state have been forced by the authorities to put up the flag today said residents.
"When we went out this morning we saw the flag on the cars. Some people do not know why they were being forced as they are not interested in the Union Day," said a youth in Rangoon .
The authorities forced the bus owners to buy a flag costing 1500 kyats  yesterday and ordered them to put up the flag today, said a Mon leader in the capital Moulmein in Mon state.
The authorities also ordered every household to put up the flag today and households which did not have a flag had to buy it, he said.
The Burmese junta celebrated Union Day in the new capital Naypyidaw and in the former capital Rangoon at Peoples Square . However the celebration was only attended by government officials, said a civil servant in Rangoon .
The opposition National League for Democracy (NLD) also celebrated the Union Day and requested Burmese people, including ethnics to involve themselves in the struggle to achieve democracy in the country, said NLD spoke person Nyan Win.