Ethnic Armed Groups Ask Norwegian Foreign Minister to Provide Humanitarian Aid Directly to Refugees

Ethnic Armed Groups Ask Norwegian Foreign Minister to Provide Humanitarian Aid Directly to Refugees
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At a recent meeting with the Norwegian Foreign Minister Mr. Borege Brende, representatives from four ethnic armed groups requested that humanitarian aid be delivered directly to Burma’s refugees, according to Nai Win Hla, Domestic Affair Minister of the New Mon State Party (NMSP).

Ethnic Armed Groups meet with Norways Foreign Minister Mr. Borge Brende in Pegu“Although [humanitarian] aid is provided to those living in conflict areas, the [Burmese] government actually receives more [aid] support, which does not make it to the people in need. It will be more effective if [humanitarian] aid is given directly to Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), instead of the government, to distribute to people in conflict areas,” said Nai Win Hla.

Nai Win Hla recounted that, at the meeting, the ethnic groups and Norwegian Foreign Minister discussed possible solutions for national peace talks and ceasefire agreements, as well as discussion surrounding recent attacks by government troops launched in ethnic areas, and ways in which such actions may affect ceasefire talks.

Identifying the NMSP’s position, Nai Win Hla stated that “from the NMSP’s standpoint, political dialogues should be held after the national ceasefire agreement is inked.”

Minister Borege Brende assured the ethnic groups that the Norwegian government would aid in finding appropriate methods to implement within peace talks, as well as help to find a solution for nationwide peace.

Norway and EU member states are urged to participate, as observers, in Burma’s peace talks.

NMSP, Karen National Union (KNU), Karenni National Union (KNU), the Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP), and the Chin National Front (CNF) met with Minister Borege Brende on 30th November in Pegu.

According to the Radio Free Asia (RFA), the four ethnic groups requested that Minister Borege Brende host a tripartite talk in Norway between the Burmese government, the Burmese Tatmadaw (government army), and ethnic armed groups