Energy company sends locals on study tour

Energy company sends locals on study tour
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Translated by BNI

After locals concerned about air pollution objected to a proposed coal mine in Mon State the company that wants to build it has offered to send them on a tour of their existing mining operations.

“Ten residents are being invited and will be sent to Thailand and Japan for a study tour to observe both the positive and negative effects of existing coal mines,” said Dr. Min New Soe, state minister of Planning and Economics.

The proposed coal mine by Toyo-Thai Company Ltd. in An-Din village was suspended last July after the feasibility study was completed.  If it’s built it will be capable of producing 1280 Megawatts electrical power.

Five residents from An-Din village, including journalists, have been invited to join the six-day tour that starts on Dec. 10. The Ye Township Chairman from All Mon Region Democracy Party will also go.

“We have been invited by state government and they said we are allowed to say and write down what we see, this why I decided to go,” Ko Thet Naing Win from Myitmakha media.

Min New Soe said; “Currently there is no plan to construct the coal power plant yet, but for next year it’s not sure.”

English version translated by Aung Myat Soe, edited by Brennan O`Connor