
February 17, 2018
Every year the Restoration Council of Shan State Shan State Army (RCSS/SSA) holds a massive celebration for Shan National Day on 7 February at their...
January 3, 2018
In a traditional Chin family, either the oldest or youngest son receives the hereditament when the father passes away. If there is no son, the family...
November 22, 2017
Refugees from Burma are finding it difficult to stay, difficult to go home. In Thailand, funding cuts to refugee camps have left over 100,000...
11th Asia-Europe Foundation Journalists’ Seminar (Photo: MNA)
November 21, 2017
Over the course of two days, the 11th Asia-Europe Foundation Journalists’ Seminar was held in Nay Pyi Taw on 18th and 19th November 2017 mainly...
November 20, 2017
Dr. Cynthia’s Mae Tao Clinic is struggling to keep helping patients as donors to the Thai-Burma border stop funding.
Bogyoke Aung San Bridge (Bilu Kyun Island). Photo: Ministry of Construction
June 14, 2017
Outrage and protests that a new bridge in Mon State will be named after General Aung San against locals wishes have overshadowed the change it will...
Tourists take a selfie at the Golden Rock. Photo: Ernest Chan
February 7, 2017
The golden light of the setting December sun flooded the hillsides of Mt. Kyaiktiyo, casting a warm glow over the crowds of pilgrims gathered around...
November 17, 2016
Plans by the Burmese Government, China and Thailand to dam the Salween River threaten millions of villagers and animals whose lives depend on a free...
June 28, 2016
Khun Kya Bu The Memoirs of Khun Kya Bu of Hsipaw Signatory to the Panglong Agreement. Foreword These memoirs, originally in Burmese, took a period of...
Miss Universe in Chin State - showing off the fabrics. Photo: Moe Sat Wine/Facebook
June 1, 2016
Twenty-eight-year-old Cing Zeel Niang was born in Chin State but left home at an early age to attend boarding school in Pyin Oo Lwin and later...
Sao Mae, third from left, at the award ceremony in Colorado with her and Sao Kya Seng’s two daughters, Sao Kennari, far left, and Sao Mayari, second from left (Photo courtesy of Sai Awn Murng)
October 9, 2015
Last Thursday the Colorado School of Mines posthumously conferred on Sao Kya Seng, the last Saophalong (ruling prince) of the Shan State of Hsipaw,...
August 24, 2015
Naw Wahkushee is a member of the Karen Women’s Organization. In the following open letter, she highlights what she claims is a serious problem facing...