Shan Herald Agency for News

March 11, 2021
Sai Wansai - During the past week and until very recently over 60 anti-coup demonstrators were killed and hundreds wounded, with over 1800 in...
March 8, 2021
Sai Wansai — There has been a lot of debate about “intervention.” Will other countries intervene in Burma? The United States? If so, how? Can they...
January 21, 2021
Sai Wansai — The mishaps or failure during National League for Democracy’s (NLD) team tour to meet the ethnic political parties (EPPs) in Mon and...
January 15, 2021
Sai Wansai — The row between the Tatmadaw or military bloc and the National League for Democracy (NLD) has been brewing for weeks since the latter...
Farmers Protest Land Grabs In Siseng Township Southern Shan State
June 9, 2020
Sai Wansai — Among stories dominated with the handling of Covid-19 pandemic and the escalation of Arakan armed conflict together with its human...
May 6, 2020
Sai Wansai — On May 27, presidential office issued an announcement signed by President Win Myint the formation of a Covid-19 prevention and...
April 17, 2020
Sai Wansai — When the Burma army or Tatmadaw undertook air raids and bombardment of civilian targets in Paletwa Chin State, Ponnakyun and Ann...
Myanmar’s military displays seized drugs and drug-making materials for the press, foreign military attachés and international anti-narcotic organizations in Kutkai Township, northern Shan State on March 6. / The Office of the Commander-in-Chief of the Defense Services |
April 11, 2020
Sai Wansai — When the Tatmadaw or Burma army recently announced the large amount seizure of narcotics in Kutkai Township, Kaungkha village, later...
April 1, 2020
Sai Wansai — On March 14, International Day of Action for Rivers, 23 countries’ indigenous, together with thousands of river stewards, defenders, and...
Calling for immediate global ceasefire – UN chief on COVID-19 |
March 25, 2020
Sai Wansai — As novel coronavirus now dubbed as covid-19 infected count reached nearly 400,000 and death count showed close to 17,000, UN General-...
Photo by – ၸၢႆးၸၢမ်ႇမိူင် | IDPs in Mong Kung
March 24, 2020
Sai Wansai — Very recently, on March 14, a video podcast was uploaded on Facebook by a NGO group “Land in Our Hands” with the title of “Sorrowful...
Kachin women’s band in northern Shan State. / Photo credit Tom Kramer (TNI)
March 7, 2020
As the peoples of Myanmar commemorate Union Day this week, Sai Wansai argues that “civic nationalism” can help address the crisis in “ethnic...