
December 20, 2022
A total of 20 administrators from 19 village tracts in the Ku Taung area of Rathedaung township of Rakhine state ,submitted their resignations on...
December 17, 2022
Two brothers, U Saw Hla (29) and Maung San Phyo (25) from Paletwa in Chin state, charged with Section 505(A) of the Sedition Act and Section 17(1) of...
December 17, 2022
As the lawlessness of the regime increases, ordinary crime has proliferated and particularly in Mrauk-U township of Rakhine state. The number of...
December 15, 2022
Interview with U Phay Than a veteran Rakhine politician The coup regime has deliberately targeted the Rakhine people during 4-months of war with the...
December 15, 2022
A mill owner from Kar Di village in Kyauktaw and his companion who had gone “missing” for more than two months, with the regime denying any knowledge...
December 14, 2022
The informal ceasefire has produced a welcome lull in fighting between the Military Council and the Arakan Army (AA ), but it has made little...
December 14, 2022
Thea SAC military regime is still blocking aid from social charities and international organizations from sending food to refugee camps in Rakhine,...
December 13, 2022
The Junta continues to station its troops inside the Mahamunni Pagoda compound in Kyauktaw township, an iconic pilgrimage site deeply revered by the...
December 13, 2022
The Rakhine human rights activists have welcomed the statement issued by the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH), requesting the...
December 10, 2022
In northern Shan State, the Military Council has launched an offensive against the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA), and the Arakan Army (AA)...
December 9, 2022
Humanitarian agencies are waiting to provide aid to nearly 10,000 people displaced by the mfighting between the military and the United League of...
December 9, 2022
The Ponnagyun Township Administration Office in Rakhine state summoned more than 70 village administrators who had submitted their resignations, but...