
February 9, 2023
Medical supplies urgently needed in Rakhine State A large number of residents in The Khon village of Myay Ngu island under Pauktaw township in...
February 9, 2023
On the night of February 8, the CNA-CDF attacked and captured the police station in Thantlang, Chin State, where martial law had been declared. The...
February 8, 2023
The Military Council sent a ministerial team led by U Ko Ko Hlaing, Deputy Chairman of the Steering Committee on Litigation at the ICJ and Minister...
February 7, 2023
Lawyer calls the charges an absurd fabrication Rakhine state Most of those arrested by the Tatmadaw (the Military Council) on suspicion of having...
February 7, 2023
Yohei Sasakawa, chairman of the Nippon Foundation and Japan's special envoy for national reconciliation in Myanmar, arrived in Rakhine on February 4...
February 6, 2023
The documentary film 'Rays of Hope' directed by Ko Pauk was shown on February 4th at Kita Topia, Sakura Hall Oki Station Cinema in Tokyo, Japan. At...
February 6, 2023
One helicopter of the Military Council was shot down during a battle that took place on the afternoon of February 3 near the new town of Shwe Pyi Aye...
February 4, 2023
The junta’s appointment of a retired colonel to the post of Rakhine Chief Minister is viewed by local community, as an attempt to expand and enhance...
February 4, 2023
An adolescent boy from Kha Maung Seik village in northern Maungdaw Township, Rakhine State, died on the afternoon of February 2nd when a remnant...
Mass rally held in Shwebo and Tabayin on February 2nd
February 4, 2023
On February 2nd, a day after the second anniversary of the military coup, thousands of people in Shwebo and Tabayin Townships of Sagaing Division...
February 2, 2023
On the second anniversary of the military coup, the entire country of Myanmar went on a silent strike to express their opposition to the military...
February 2, 2023
“Abnormal Situation” in the country February 1, 2023 (Narinjara) and leaked report from Khit Thit Media At the NDSC (the National Defense and...