Karen Information Center

February 6, 2024
In the 77th anniversary message of the Karen National Union (KNU), KNU’s Chairperson Padoh Saw Kwe Htoo Win underscored KNU's responsibility to...
February 2, 2024
The celebrations of the 75th anniversary of the Karen Revolution on January 31st in Kler Lwee Htoo (Nyaunglebi) District, controlled by the 3rd...
February 1, 2024
The International Karen Organization (IKO) calls for the unification of all Karen ethnic armed organizations (EAOs) under a single banner of the...
January 26, 2024
On January 24th, the Burmese Women's Union (BWU) disclosed that the number of women facing imprisonment after unjust arrests has surged to 715, in...
Colonel Chit Thu – addressing his Border Guard Forces in Myawaddy has recently reinforced his camp guarding the Chinese- run Shwe Kokko known as Cyber-scam and trafficking network
January 26, 2024
January 24, 2024. (Karen Information Center/ Thanlwin Times and editors) Even the personal visit of the Junta Deputy Commander-in-Chief Vice Senior...
January 22, 2024
Amidst rumors of impending crackdowns, illegal online casinos and telecom scam (Zhapian) businesses in the Myawaddy Township bordering Thailand and...
January 22, 2024
Since the 2021 coup the growing intensity of the Junta’s battles with the Karen resistance has spawned and ever- growing displacement of villagers...
January 20, 2024
In the aftermath of the coup, political prisoners detained by the Military Council in connection with the Spring Revolution are suffering from many...
January 19, 2024
With Junta -appointed ward and village administrators actively recruiting residents from the villages of Kyauktaga Township Bago Region, to join...
January 18, 2024
In the last few months, intense combat unfolded between Junta ‘s troops and the Three Brotherhood Alliance in the Kokang region of northern Shan...
Photo - KHRG
January 18, 2024
List of Military Aircraft Shot Down since the Feb 2021 Coup May 2021 Helicopter downed by KIA - Kachin State J UNE 2023 K-8W fighter jet fixed wing...
January 16, 2024
The Military Council and its Border Guard Force (BGF) subordinates are taking proactive measures to prevent potential renewed attacks by the Karen...