Karen Information Center

June 16, 2021
Young Karen advocates living in the United States want their homeland, to be known as KawThooLei and for it to be declared an independent country...
June 16, 2021
Fighting between the Burma Army and a Karen splinter group close to the Thai border, forced as many as 600 villagers from their homes. The fighting...
June 16, 2021
The Karen National Union has denied accusations made by Burma’s military regime, sent in a letter of complaint, claiming the KNU is conducting...
Photo: Tham Hin refugee camp
May 18, 2021
Tham Hin Refugee camp, one of the nine refugee camps on the Thai-Burma border is in complete lockdown after reports of 59 positive covid-19 cases...
May 11, 2021
Ethnic Health Organizations working in ethnic controlled regions want international donors to increase their support in ethnic areas to combat the...
May 11, 2021
Karen villagers bombed from their homes by airstrikes are in urgent need of food, warm clothing, medicine, sanitation and clean water. Adding to the...
May 11, 2021
Three months after the military coup and with armed conflict increasing in Karen state, hopes within the recently returned refugee community for a...
May 6, 2021
The fighting between the Military Council Troops and the Karen National Liberation Army – KNLA Brigade 5 in Hpapun Township left locals trapped in...
April 27, 2021
Burma Army soldiers were made to pay a heavy price for a series of unprovoked attacks on unarmed civilians travelling by boat on the Salween River...
April 8, 2021
Despite the unilateral declaration of ceasefire for one month by the Burma military junta, its troops in Karen State continue to use ground and air...
April 2, 2021
The Burma military increased its airstrikes in Karen State, the latest attack in the gold mining area near Shwe Kyin Township killed 11 workers and...
March 30, 2021
Today Thai authorities refused entry to 2009 displaced people from Ei Tu Hta camp who were fleeing Burma after military jets attacked villages on...