Karen Information Center

June 11, 2024
Intense clashes occurred between an advancing Junta column, and local resistance forces along the Ye-Dawei Road section in Yebuy township of Dawei...
June 6, 2024
In Myawaddy township Karen State, along the Thailand-Myanmar border, a notable increase in prostitution has taken place in areas around casino...
June 5, 2024
The KNLA ‘s 5th Brigade based in the Mutraw District of the Karen National Union (KNU). have reported that five Junta camps were withdrawn in May...
June 4, 2024
The Karen Refugees Committee (KRC) has announced that starting in June, resettlement programs will resume to relocate refugees from camps on the...
June 3, 2024
Around 1,000 men comprising the Karen Border Guard Force (BGF) and Junta troops, are coordinating on a plan to recapture of all the military bases,...
May 31, 2024
Since May 25, a suspension of most passenger and cargo vehicles has ensued due to damage to several jungle routes, notably Htaw Kaw Koe Road, linking...
May 30, 2024
The Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA), armed wing of the Karen National Union (KNU), supported by allied joint resistance forces, continues to...
May 27, 2024
War-displaced Chaunghnitkhwa villagers in Mon State's Kyaikmaraw Township wish to return home, but are too afraid due to threats and killings by...
May 24, 2024
The Junta is attempting to launch a two -sided offensive, from both foothill and hilltop, against the resistance forces led by the Karen National...
May 22, 2024
Under-age child soldiers are part of the military columns attempting to advance toward Myawaddy Township in Karen State and recover bases captured by...
May 22, 2024
The arrival of more Chinese at Mae Sot airport , linked to the Shwe Kokko cyber-crime networks, strongly suggests that warnings from Border Guard...
May 18, 2024
Myawaddy town, situated in Karen State along the Thailand border, is under the control of the Karen Border Guard Force (BGF), with approximately 1,...