Karen Information Center

October 4, 2021
Food prices and fuel costs have soared as the value of Burma’s currency, the Kyat dropped by 60% during September. During the last week of September...
PDF Troops in-field training. (Photo - K'hsaw Wah)
September 8, 2021
The National Unity Government’s, Acting President Duwa Lashi La, called on the people of Burma, Ethnic Armed Organizations and the recently formed,...
September 8, 2021
The Karen Women’s Organization (KWO) and the Karen Human Rights Group (KHRG) released a statement condemning the Burma Army’s using ethnic women as...
September 3, 2021
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), aid agencies and community organizations are in discussions to talk to Thai authorities...
September 1, 2021
After sending reinforcements, munitions and supplies troops under the command of the military-appointed State Administration Council launched an...
August 26, 2021
Fighting in Karen National Union (KNU) controlled areas has intensified after the military-appointed State Administration Council ordered...
August 13, 2021
The Burma Army (BA) killed a woman outside of her village in Falam Township, under attack since the night before. According to a male resident, BA...
August 10, 2021
As a health worker, physiotherapist Naw Hsa K'Pru Moo, 28 knows the precautions people should take to stay safe from COVID-19. With a household of...
August 5, 2021
Burmese migrants working in Thailand have started to make their way home as of August 1 the Myawaddy-Mae Sot border will reopen after it was closed...
August 5, 2021
Regular vaccinations services for children in rural areas of Karen State, either under government-controlled or ethnic armed organizations, have been...
August 5, 2021
Restrictions imposed by public health officials to try to contain recent Covid-19 outbreaks and the spread of infections in Thailand, including in...
July 30, 2021
The recent non-stop monsoon rain has swamped homes, schools, monasteries and COVID-19 treatment centers in the border town of Myawaddy, Karen State...