Karen Information Center

November 26, 2021
Villagers in the Doo Tha Htu District said the Burma Army reached a new low when it raided, ransacked and deliberately destroyed with hammers the...
A Vaccination Campaign Taking Place in an Ethnic Armed Organization Area. (Photo-CTF)
November 25, 2021
The COVID-19 Task Force (CTF), a joint team made up of the National Unity Government's Ministry of Health and ethnic health organizations, said it...
November 18, 2021
Fighting between the Burma Army and the Karen National Liberation Army in the north of the state has resulted in heavy losses to the military junta’s...
November 16, 2021
Despite ongoing Burma military attacks resulting in civilian deaths, destruction of hundreds of houses, churches, schools and villages, the UN...
November 3, 2021
Recent warnings, the Burma Army was building a large strike force in the country’s west - Chin State, Magway and the Sagaing regions - became a...
October 26, 2021
Burma Army soldiers forcing Karen villagers to be human shields threaten to burn their houses if the try to leave. Local sources confirmed to Karen...
File photo: Relatives await released prisoners at prison's front gate
October 26, 2021
Following its 1st February coup, the military destroyed the infrastructure of Burma’s fledgling democracy, thrashed the economy, ripped the...
October 21, 2021
The Karen National Union marked the 6th anniversary of the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement on October 15, 2021 with a statement declaring Burma’s...
October 18, 2021
The Burma Army has reinforced it troop numbers in Northern Karen State and has linked up with its Border Guard Force to launch offensives in the...
October 18, 2021
Villagers in the Karen National Union-controlled areas of Thaton District reported human rights violations by the Burma Army and its militia...
Displaced Karen villagers. Supplied
October 8, 2021
The humanitarian crisis in Burma is now at a critical stage. The currency, the kyat, has crashed in the month of September to an all time low. The...
Rohingya leader Mohibullah. File photo: Rajib Raihan
October 5, 2021
Human rights advocates working on violations and abuses committed by the Burma military, support the calls for an investigation into the killing of...