Karen Information Center

KIC – Karen Information Center
January 3, 2023
KIC is the Independent Media Organization. Vision A peaceful, prosperous and informed society with mutual respect for the rights and views of the...
January 3, 2023
The Military Council bombed Taung Sun village in Win Yay (Waw Ray) township in Karen National Union (KNU) Dooplaya district at least 3 times with...
December 23, 2022
General Mutu Sae Poe, Chairperson of the Karen National Union (KNU), urged all armed organizations as well as social and religious organizations to...
December 20, 2022
A 9-year-old boy and an elderly man over 90 years old were injured when the Military Council fired artillery randomly into Kawk Nwe village in...
December 16, 2022
A train travelling from Thatno- to Bilin in Mon state, loaded with the Military Council’s weapons and ammunition was hit by a land-mine from the KNU...
December 15, 2022
A discussion program was held in Tak district in Mae Sok, Thailand on December 12th with the aim of seeking and creating different jobs and...
December 15, 2022
Junta troops stormed into La Gor De village in Khaw Pote village tract in Butho township in Mutraw(Hpapun) district, a Karen National Union (KNU) 5th...
December 14, 2022
The Military Council launched artillery shelling on the villages of Taung Kya Inn and Long Kai villages in Dooplaya district, southern Karaweik, part...
December 8, 2022
A total of 366 civil organizations sent an open letter on December 5th to US President Joe Biden for the second time, urging the US government to...
December 8, 2022
A teacher and her seven-year-old student were injured by regime artillery shells that hit their school in Kawkareik Township, Karen State on Tuesday...
December 3, 2022
Due to the regime’s daily and nightly reconnaissance flights, which often precede deadly airstrikes, more than 5,000 villagers living south of...
December 2, 2022
TheMilitary Council and Border Guard Force (BGF) have been firing artillery every night in Bilin Township of Thaton District, an area controlled...